Friday, November 6, 2009

Ad Hoc Task Force on Faculty Governance Models

We (Margaret Beal, Jean Bernhardt, MJ Henderson, Alex Hoyt,Ronnie Kane, Lena Sorensen & Nancy Terres- volunteered members of this task force) have been asked to facilitate a review of faculty governance at MGH IHP School of Nursing. Our charge is to identify various models of faculty governance for SON faculty to review and to assist the process of selecting a governance model that best suits the needs of our School of Nursing.

As a way to involve input from as many faculty as possible, we have chosen this blog format as a way to engage all of us in an active discussion about these critical issues. We hope each of you will post and respond actively over the next couple of months.

Our first step is to develop and discuss the School of Nursing's Mission Statement.

MGH IHP School of Nursing Mission and Philosophy:

The mission of the programs in Nursing is to prepare nurses who are able to assume leadership roles in health care. We achieve this mission through excellence and innovation in education, scholarship, and practice.

This mission derives from the mission of the Institute:

The mission of the MGH Institute of Health Professions is to educate health care professionals in an interdisciplinary environment, to become leaders in their clinical disciplines. Integrating academic and clinical curricula and instruction; expanding and refining the scientific basis for clinical practice through research and scholarship; developing innovative education methods; and developing new models of practice to foster affordable and ethical health care.

Task Force process:
We will present several examples from other schools of nursing and hope faculty will share their thoughts about how our mission statement compares with other schools.

Our Mission Statement will help to guide our thinking about what the School's underlying values and philosophy is and thus help direct how our governance structure will support those values.

Our timeline is to complete this online discussion/ input by our January or February SON Retreat, when we will finalize our suggestions together as a whole faculty.


  1. If you have taught at other schools of nursing check out their mission statements if you liked them and blog them to us. If not, make one up and let us know what you come up with. MJH

  2. Is anyone out there in blog-land? So far no responses from the SON faculty.
